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2011 年 5 月翻译资格考试三级英语笔译真题及答案
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) Translate the following passage
into Chinese.
Stonehenge, England——The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge stands tall in
the British countryside as one of the last remnants of the Neolithic Age.
Recently it has also become the latest symbol of another era: the new fiscal
Renovations including a plan to replace the sites run-down visitors center
with one almost five times bigger and to close a busy road that runs along the
5,000-year-old monument had to be mothballed in June. The British government
had suddenly withdrawn 10 million, or $16 million, in financing for the
project as part of a budget squeeze.
Stonehenge, once a temple with giant stone slabs aligned in a circle to mark
the passage of the sun, is among the most prominent victims of the
government’s spending cuts. The decision was heavily criticized by local
lawmakers, especially because Stonehenge, a UnescoWorld Heritage site, was part
of London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games. The shabby visitors
center there now is already too small for the 950,000 people who visit
Stonehenge each year, let alone the additional onslaught of tourists expected
for the Games, the lawmakers say.
Stonehenge is the busiest tourist attraction in Britain’s southwest, topping
even Windsor Castle. But no major improvements have been made to the facilities
there since they were built 40 years ago. For now, portable toilets lead from a
crammed parking lot, via a makeshift souvenir shop in a tent, to a ticket
office opposite a small kiosk that sells coffee and snacks.
The overhaul was scheduled for next spring. Plans by the architectural firm
Denton Corker Marshall would keep the stone monument itself unchanged. But the
current ticket office and shop would be demolished and a new visitors center
would be built on the other side of the monument, about two and a half
kilometers, or 1.5 miles, from the stones. The center would include a shop
almost five times the size of the current one, a proper restaurant, three times
as many parking spots and an exhibition space to provide more information about
Stonehenge’s history.
A transit system would shuttle visitors between the center and the stones while
footpaths would encourage tourists to walk to the monument and explore the
surrounding burial hills. The closed road would be grassed over to improve the
surrounding landscape.
Last year, the £ 27 million project won the backing of former Prime Minister
Gordon Brown. After more than 25 years of bickering with local communities
about how and where to build the new center, planning permission was granted in
January. Construction was supposed to start next year and be completed in time
for the Olympics, but the economic downturn has changed those plans.
The new prime minister, David Cameron, has reversed many of his predecessor’s
promises as part of a program to cut more than 99 billion annually over the
next five years to help close a gaping budget deficit. The financing for
Stonehenge fell in the first round of cuts, worth about 6.2 billion, from
the budget for the current year, along with support for a hospital and the
British Film Institute.
English Heritage, a partly government-financed organization that owns
Stonehenge and more than 400 other historic sites in the country, is now
aggressively looking for private donations. But the economic downturn has made
the endeavor more difficult.
Hunched over architectural renderings of the new center, Loraine Knowles,
Stonehenge’s project director, said she was disappointed that the government
had withdrawn money while continuing to support museums in London, like the
Tate and the British Museum. But Ms. Knowles said she was hopeful that English
Heritage could raise the money elsewhere. Stonehenge, she said, could then also
become “a shining example of how philanthropy could work.”
Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) Translate the following passage
into English.
30 多年济持续快一条。招商引选资
“引资” 与“引智”相结合,是中国对外开放的重要内容。
截至 2010 年 7 月,中国累计设立外商投资企业 69.8 万家,实际使用外资 1.05 万亿美
元。目前中国 22 的税收、28 的工业增加值、55 的进出口、50 的技术引进、约 4500 万人
过持 续吸引外资为国家现代化建设提供了必要的资金、先进的技术和宝贵的管理经验以
及众多国 际化人才。对外商投资企业来说,则赢得了可观的投资回报,不少在华外商投
资企业成为其 母公司全球业务的增长亮点和利润中心。联合国贸发会议最新调查显示,
目前中国依然是全 球最具吸引力的投资东道国。


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