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2018 年 3 月雅思真题回忆及解析
水滴石穿,绳锯木断。备考需要一点点积累才能到达好的效果。无忧考网搜集整理了 2018
年 3 月雅思真题回忆及解析,通过做题,能够巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会更得心
应手。2018 年 3 月举行了 4 场考试,考试时间分别为 3 月 3 日、3 月 10 日、3 月 15 日、3 月 24
3 月 3 日雅思口语真题回忆:
   以下为 3 月份本场考试话题,请考生们扎实准备。
   1. Describe a businessman you admire
   2. Describe an unusual meal you had
   3. Describe a toy you had in your childhood
   4. Describe a historical period that you are interested in
   5. Describe a situation when you had to be polite
   Describe a businessman you admire
   You should say:
   Who this person is
   How you know this person
   What kind of business this person does
   And explain why you admire this person
   I’m going to talk about Elon Musk who is an entrepreneur, engineer and
philanthropist. He is well-known all over the world. I know him because I once
took a carpool to a party with my friends, and the car we hailed happened to
be a Tesla. My friend is a huge fan of Tesla, so is the driver, obviously.
They talked about how sleek and glossy and exquisitely designed the Tesla is
and how amazing and genius the founder of it Elon Musk is. That’s how I know
   The very time I had the chance to get an insight into what he does was
from a video which went viral on the Internet several months ago called When
Elon Musk Proved Everyone Wrong. His way to success is bumpy and uneven.
People kept casting stones in his direction. There were scathing and ruthless
attacks on every project he carried out. Nevertheless, he never gave up
despite nervous breakdown once set in. He kept dreaming big and tried every
possible mean to make it come true. And he did eventually, proving everyone
who once doubted him wrong. That video really inspired me and gave me great
courage to continue what I dream about.
3 月 3 日雅思听力真题回忆:
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分类:行业题库 价格:5.1金币 属性:22 页 大小:149KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-24


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