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2018 年 1 月雅思真题回忆及解析
帮助备考无忧整理 2018 年 1 月忆及
以供参考。2018 年 1 月举行了 4 场雅思考试,分别为 1 月 6 日、1 月 13 日、1 月 18 日、1 月 20
1 月 6 日雅思口语真题回忆:
  以下为 1 月份本场考试话题,请考生们扎实准备。
  1. Describe one thing you got for free
  2. Describe a website you often browse
  3. Describe a plant or vegetable in your country
  4. Describe something you bought that made you happy
  5. Describe a big company organization that you know in your city
  Describe something you bought that made you happy
  You should say:
  What it is
  Why you bought it
  How you chose it
  And explain why you think it is special
  Speaking of something I bought that made me happy, I’d like to talk about
my oven.
    If I recall correctly I think it was a Saturday afternoon when I was
browsing the website of Taobao, the Chinese version of Amazon, there was a
sales promotion commercial of an oven attracted me, and I was seized by
whim--- why don’t I just buy one? Actually, there were tons of different
brands and I just bought the best-selling one without hesitation and started
the firsthand experience of baking.
  I have had a sweet tooth from a very young age, and I am particularly fond
of desserts. The sweet tooth drives me to try nearly every kind of cake:
cupcakes, puff, cookies and so forth. But I had never tried to make one on my
own or even touch a real oven until I purchased one.
    It is hard and frustrating to start baking. I spent nearly a whole week
learning to make a cake perfectly, I tried a bunch of times and also
progressed through carefully weighing the powder, sugar and milk. I was
thrilled when the beautiful cake was finally taken out from the oven.
  I feel it is special to me because, firstly it is always satisfying to eat
something from your own hand, and secondly it reveals the importance of taking
the first step. I always fail in things that I want badly at first, which is
often because of my fear to getting started. I’ve learnt from baking that it
isn’t as hard as I imagined; what I need to do is just take the first step. I
believe this inspiration would be helpful to me in many ways.
1 月 6 日雅思听力真题回忆:


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分类:行业题库 价格:5.1金币 属性:21 页 大小:8.54MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-24


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