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2017 年 1 月雅思真题回忆及解析
基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 1 月雅思真题
回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017 年 1 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别是 1 月 7 日、1
月 12 日、1 月 14 日、1 月 21 日。以下内容仅供参考。
1 月 7 日雅思口语真题回忆:
  1、Do you remember your dream when you wake up?
  It depends. Sometimes I seem to remember the dream so clear at the moment
I wake up, but then I forget most of it.
  2、Do you like hearing others' dreams?
  If I care about the person, yes I would like to hear his or her dreams. If
I barely know the person, I think I’ll skip it.
  3、Do you think dream will affect life?
  Personally, dreams will not affect my life. Because I know no matter what
happened in dreams, it’s not genuine.
  4、Do you want to learn more about dreams?
    I know that some people are writing books about dreams. I think it is
quite interesting. I would like to learn more about my dreams.
  5、What’s your dream?
  Once I dreams that I went back to my childhood. I met a lot of friends. It
is one of the good dreams that I have had.
  Part 2
  1.Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown
  You should say:
  Where the shop is
  When it opened
  What it sells
  and how you feel about the shop
  Talking about the shop that just opened, the first thing came to me is a
select shop opened last month in my hometown. It is located in the downtown
business area where there are many fancy shopping malls and high-grade office
buildings. Plenty of people pass by it everyday. In the shop, there are many
luxury goods from different famous brands like Coach, Calvin Klein, Michael
Kors etc, and there are also many goods with no names but good quality. There
are many categories of goods like glasses, purses, bags and clothes, and all
these goods are selected by the owner from different places. You can always
find something you like there. So it is quite popular among white-collars who
work at that area.
  To me, this place is great. Its decoration is quite delicate and exotic.
It has large French windows and the shop is divided into different exhibition
parts. All goods are exhibited orderly on the shelf. Besides, I like the owner
of the shop. She is a chic young lady who has a good taste. She has traveled
to many different places in the world and selected all the goods by herself.
She likes to share her travel experiences and understanding of fashion with
her customers. So she is like a friend to me.
  2.Describe a quiet place


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分类:行业题库 价格:5.1金币 属性:64 页 大小:338KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-24


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