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Section I Structure and Vocabulary
I n each q u e s t io n , d ec i d e wh i c h of t h e f o u r ch o i c e s g i v e n w i l l m o s t su i t a b ly
complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the
ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
I was caught ________ the rain yesterday.
[A] in
[B] by
[C] with
[D] at
1. T h o s e t w o f a m i l i e s h a v e b e e n q u a r r e l l i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e a c h o t h e r f o r m a n y
[A] to
[B] between
[C] against
[D] with
2. There are many things whose misuse is dangerous, bur it is hard to think
of anything that can be compared ________ tobacco products.
[A] in
[B] with
[C] among
[D] by
3. “How often have you seen cases like this?” one surgeon asked another.
“Oh, ________ times, I guess,” was the reply.
[A] hundred of
[B] hundreds
[C] hundreds of
[D] hundred
4. Give me your telephone number ________ I need your help.
[A] whether
[B] unless
[C] so that
[D] in case
5. You sang well last night. We hope you’ll sing ________.
[A] more better
[B] still better
[C] nicely
[D] best
6. Those people ________ a general understanding of the present situation.
[A] lack of
[B] are lacking of
[C] lack
[D] are in lack
7. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he
felt ________ lonely.
[A] nothing but
[B] anything but
[C] all but
[D] everything but
8. Grace ________ tears when she heard the sad news.
[A] broke in
[B] broke into
[C] broke off
[D] broke through
9. She refused to ________ the car keys to her husband until he had promised
to wear his safety belt.
[A] hand in
[B] hand out
[C] hand down
[D] hand over
10. Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes ________ to American
[A] around
[B] over
[C] across
[D] down
11. The book contained a large ________ of information.
[A] deal
[B] amount
[C] number
[D] sum
12. N o w a d a y s a d v e r t i s i n g c o s t s a r e n o l o n g e r i n r e a s o n a b l e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t o t h e
total cost of the product.
[A] proportion
[B] correlation
[C] connection
[D] correspondence
13. W h e n s h e s a w t h e c l o u d s s h e w e n t b a c k t o t h e h o u s e t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h e r
[A] carry
[B] fetch
[C] bring
[D] reach
14. We must ________ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.
[A] assure
[B] secure
[C] ensure
[D] issue
15. He was knocked down by a car and badly ________.
[A] injured
[B] damaged
[C] harmed
[D] ruined


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分类:行业题库 价格:3.3金币 属性:15 页 大小:129.24KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-14


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