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2016 上半年教师资格初中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及
1.考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。
一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分)
在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。请用 28 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的
1. Walnut trees __________ environment stresses such as drought by producing
significant amounts of a substance similar to aspirin.
A. turn to
B. confirm to
C. contribute to
D. respond to
2. John felt great __________ about his upcoming trip to Sidney; indeed, he
could hardly contain his enthusiasm.
A. unrest
B. uncertainty
C. anxiety
D. excitement
3. The professor's classroom manner was quite__________,never revealing the
warmth and playfulness she showed in private.
A. lively
B. amiable
C. formal
D. cheerful
4. Again as __________ in this experiment, he didn' t lose heart.
A. he failed
B. did he fail
C. he did fail
D. had he failed
5. Taiwan lies _________ the east of Fujian and is larger than _________ island
in China.
A. to; any
B. in; any
C. to; any other
D. in; any other
6, Johnson is a man of great experience, _________ much can be learned.
A. for whom
B. for which
C. from that
D. from whom
7. Which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal cases?
A. His 'brother is my 'best Mend.
B. They 'help one 'another in their work.
C. They have 'been in the 'countryside recently.
D. She 'thought herself 'better 'than 'anyone else.
8. The phrase "_________" exemplifies the incomplete plosion at the junction of
A. good morning
B. black shirt
C. delicious cherry
D. beautiful jacket
9. The synonymous pair "_________" differ in degree of formality.
A. pass away and pop off
B. accuse and charge
C. poison and jail
D. tap and faucet
10. When using the imperative "Turn it off" to give an order, the speaker
highlights the _________of the utterance.
A. locutionary act
B. illocutionary act
C. perlocutionary act
D. indirect speech act
11. Fluent and appropriate language use requires knowledge of_________ and this
suggests that we should teach lexical chunks rather than single words.
A. connotation
B. denotation
C. morphology
D. collocation

标签: #教师



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分类:行业题库 价格:3.6金币 属性:21 页 大小:112.5KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-17


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