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2006 年 11 月翻译资格考试三级英语笔译实务真题及答案
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) Translate the following passage
into Chinese.
For all the natural and man-made disasters of the past year, travelers seem
more determined than ever to leave home.Never mind the tsunami devastation in
Asia last December, the recent earthquake in Kashmir or the suicide bombings
this year in London and Bali, among other places on or off the tourist trail.
The number of leisure travelers visiting tourist destinations hit by trouble
has in some cases bounced back to a level higher than before disaster struck.
"This new fast recovery of tourism we are observing is kind of strange," said
John Koldowski, director for the Strategic Intelligence Center of the Bangkok-
based Pacific Asia Travel Association. "It makes you think about the adage that
any publicity is good publicity."It is still too soon to compile year-on-year
statistics for the disasters of the past 12 months, but travel industry experts
say that the broad trends are already clear. Leisure travel is expected to
increase by nearly 5 percent this year, according to the World Tourism and
Travel Council.
"Tourism and travel now seem to bounce back faster and higher each time there
is an event of this sort," said Ufi Ibrahim, vice president of the London-based
World Tourism and Travel Council. For London, where suicide bombers killed 56
and wounded 700 on July 8, she said, "It was almost as if people who stayed
away after the bomb attack then decided to come back twice."
Early indicators show that the same holds true for other disaster-struck
destinations. Statistics compiled by the Pacific Asia Travel Association, for
example, show that monthly visitor arrivals in Sri Lanka, where the Dec. 26,
2004, tsunami left more than 30,000 people dead or missing, were higher than
one year earlier for every month from March through August of this year.
A case commonly cited by travel professionals as an early example of the trend
is Bali, where 202 people were killed in bombings targeting Western tourists in
October 2002. Visitor arrivals plunged to 993,000 for the year after the
bombing, but bounced back to 1.46 million in 2004, a level higher than the two
years before the bomb, according to the Pacific Asia Travel Association.
Even among Australians, who suffered the worst casualties in the Bali bombings,
the number of Bali-bound visitors bounced back within two years to the highest
level since 1998, according the Pacific Asia Travel Association. Bali was hit
again this year by suicide bombers who killed 19 people in explosions at three
Visits are also on the upswing to post-tsunami Thailand, where the giant waves
killed 5,400 and left more than 5,000 missing.Although the tsunami killed more
than 500 Swedes on the Thai resort island of Phuket, the largest number of any
foreign nationality to die, Swedes are returning to the island in larger
numbers than last year, according to My Travel Sweden, a Stockholm-based group
that sends 600,000 tourists overseas annually and claims a 28 percent market
share for Sweden.
"We were confident that Thailand would eventually bounce back as a destination,
but we didn"t think that this year it would come back even stronger than last
year," said Joakim Eriksson, director of communication for My Travel Sweden.
"We were very surprised because we really expected a significant decline."
Eriksson said My Travel now expects a 5 percent increase in visitors to both
Thailand and Sri Lanka this season compared with the same season last year.
This behavior is a sharp change from the patterns of the 1990s, Eriksson said.
"During the first Gulf war we saw a sharp drop in travel as a whole, and the
same after Sept. 11," Eriksson said. "Now the main impact of terrorism or
disasters is a change in destination."
Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) Translate the following passage
into English.
8 大菜系,包括辛辣的川菜和清淡的粤菜。中国餐馆在 世界各地很受欢迎。
然而,中国人的生活方式日益变化,无论是自己下厨还是上餐 馆,都出现了全新的饮食习
惯。在一些传统的中国菜中,添加了奶酪 和番茄酱。城市消费者频繁地光顾一些快餐连锁
店,包括麦当劳、肯 德基和必胜客。市场调查显示, 在未来几年里,西式快餐的消费在中
国将以每年超过 45 的速度持续增长,而中式快餐店有望增加 15 。 收入的不断增长,对
国际食品更多的了解,加上超市购物的便 捷,使中国出现了更乐于尝试包装及罐装食品的
新一代消费者。随着 越来越多的家庭拥有冰箱,超市的冷冻食品不断增加,从速冻饺子到
炸薯条应有尽有。绿色有机食品出现在大城市的店里,但价 能比传统很多。
于生活方式的变化,越来越多的中国人不购食品。 使包装食品更容易为大
众所接受。随着有车族的增加和新城 现,超市更是日益流行
Section 1: 英译汉


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